
Axess Logistics nyheter

HIGH & HEAVY - For the green transition

HIGH & HEAVY - For the green transition

After several years of development, tests, and test-loadings, Axess Logistics has, with the Austrian vehicle producer Kässbohrer, developed a High & Heavy-trailer that lives up to the high standards of our customers and drivers.

Fair Transport

Fair Transport

Congrats, SVEAB, on the re-certificate for FairTransport!



Fredag 16/2 - Lørdag 17/2 laver vi en opdatering. Arbejdet forventes at starte klokken 16.00 fredag og vi håber at være færdige lørdag eftermiddag.

Test of truck on alternative fuel gas

Test of truck on alternative fuel gas

Svensk Autotransport will start testing a truck carrier for finished vehicle logistics that runs on alternative fuel gas, liquefied biogas (LBG), or liquefied natural gas (LNG).

Axess Logistics and Uniper

Axess Logistics and Uniper

Axess Logistics and Uniper sign a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) for large-scale aggregation of EVcharging in Malmö, Sweden.

Upgrade 31/10

Upgrade 31/10

On Tuesday 31/10 at 07:00 we will upgrade our website and customer portal, which means that it will not be available for a few minutes.

Another step towards a green transition

Another step towards a green transition

The sun-drenched roof of the workshop in Halmstad with a spectacular view of the Kattegatt Sea is finally covered with 980 solar panels with an effect of 500 kW,

Report from the ECG Annual Conference

Report from the ECG Annual Conference

Finished Vehicle Logistics by Ultima Media reported from the ECG Annual Conference, where Mats Eriksson, the CEO of Axess Logistics, attended and participated in an interesting panel debate to discuss the challenging lack of capacity within the automotive industry in Europe.

Port of Halmstad

Port of Halmstad

Full activity in the Port of Halmstad when Patara, Rostock, docked and delivered nearly 3 000 cars.

Fair Transport

Fair Transport

Fair Transport is the transport industry´s sustainability certification of goods transport by road.

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